What tune gets you pumped up before a game?Billy Squire - The Stroke
Best heckle you've had from a fan at a game?
For years just before the anthem an Invicta Fan would shout ‘Paynter get a hair cut’ so when I finally got a hair cut I was feeling smug only to hear ‘Paynter your hair cut is sh*t’ - he got me on that one!
If you got a free flight to anywhere where would you go?
What's the most you paid for a piece of clothing?
Not sure - I’m a sucker for the sales though! I love a bargain!
Standard order from McDonalds?
I’d take a McDonald’s breakfast over a main meal any day!
Best hockey jersey you've seen?
I like the European style jerseys with loads of sponsors!
Worst hockey jersey you've seen?
Oxford's black, red and yellow kit was pretty bad a few years ago!
How much do you pay for haircuts?
Nothing! The joys of having a Mum that’s a hairdresser!
If you could fill the NIHL Cup with anything to drink, what would it be?
Beers, beers and more beers!