Best hands on the team?
Few contenders for this one - Watty is first thought but Ben Ealey has made people look stupid on a number of occasions.
Fastest player on the team?
Vanya - but with his Ronaldo looks, that’s only right
Hardest shot?
Danny Ingoldsby loves to shoot the puck at the boards as hard as he can as often as he can.
Most likely to hit the goalie in the head in warm up?
Milique Martelly has track record - just ask Tommy
Toughest player on the team?
Big Brando loves punching people in the face and looking after his team mates.
Who spends most time on Tanya's bench (our sports therapist)?
The bench is pretty occupied but based on the last 3 years I think there is a Jordan Gregory print in it. I don’t mind a Sunday afternoon massage as I get a little bit older though
To win a million pound, which team mate would you get to take the penalty shot?
It’s way easier to pick who I wouldn’t let take it
Funniest player on the team?
Hard one to pin point - everyone seems to encourage each other’s stupid behaviour